- Country :
- United States
- Language :
- English
- Genre :
- Historiography
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About Deanna F. Starr
Deanna F Starr, a resilient mother of five sons and grandmother, embarked on her writing journey from small-town Nebraska. A Gen X’er, she transformed life’s challenges into poetic expressions, fulfilling her childhood dream of becoming a published writer before 90. With a supportive husband, her adventure continues.
My Story
The renowned American poet, Deanna F. Starr, has encountered numerous difficulties throughout her life. Her poetry is a true reflection of the experiences she has been through. Deanna has experienced one successful marriage in addition to three unsuccessful ones, and has grown up with protective parents. She has been interested in writing poetry since her childhood, but as she grew older, this passion became a necessity due to her difficult life experiences. Deanna is also a music lover and believes that songs are another version of poetry.
Deanna identifies herself as part of Generation X, which means that she is one of the young individuals who make multiple mistakes and learn from them. After graduating from high school, she earned a certified nursing aide qualification, but deep down, she yearns to pursue her true passion of becoming a writer. She believes poetry flows in her veins, an essence that must be birthed onto paper through the ink of her pen. With effortless grace, Deanna not only captivates her readers but also ignites inspiration, encouraging them to transcend the ordinary and conquer challenges. Her poetry conveys the idea that every problem can be solved by thinking outside the box.

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Book Shelf

555: Affirmations For Transformation

Digging Into My Thoughts